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    Help Support the Sandy Hook School Support Fund

    As the gun control debates and the calls to disarm rage on in America, the nation continues to mourn. The events of December 14, 2012 left a scar unlike its predecessors in Colorado at Columbine, or in Virginia at Virginia Tech. As tragic as both of those events were, there is an entirely new level of evil that emerged at Sandy Hook Elementary School, 20 first grade students and 6 teachers lost their lives. This incident shakes observers to their core, because above all that is lost, the innocence of lives too young to have substantial memories or existential thoughts is something that is impossible to understand.

    It is important now to join together in support. Newtown needs to know they are not alone nor forgotten. Whatever small level of comfort that can be given, if any, is essential. parsonsKellogg is proud to launch our Newtown Our Town’ t-shirt program.

    The t-shirts were designed to help those who will forever be scarred by the horrific event that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School. If, in some small way, these t-shirts, the statement they make or the money they raise, bring any sort of comfort or ease of pain in the ability to live life day-by-day to those who are suffering, then this small token of remembrance and strength is worth it.

    There is nothing that can reverse the tragedies that have been faced in Newtown, no words that can truly express the overwhelming sadness of parents and friends in the days and years to come, but hopefully projects like this can help the grieving. Furthermore if the t-shirt can symbolize hope that such atrocities might never again exist, then it will be worth it. ‘Lest we forget,’ the three words used in foreign countries on Remembrance Day, what in America we call Veteran’s Day, are words that hopefully can be brought to mind whenever a ‘Newtown Our Town’ shirt is seen to honor, not the sacrifice of brave soldiers, but the distraught we all felt at the loss of those too young, too innocent.

    Update: February 26, 2013

    The word is spreading about the Newtown relief effort! We would like to thank Quintain Marketing for their kind words and generous support. Remember, it is not to late to help “Support Sandy Hook” by purchasing your Newtown Our Town shirts.

    Support Sandy Hook

    Help Support the Sandy Hook School Support Fund

    Newtown Our Town: With You All The Way

    It is important now to join together in support. Newtown needs to know they are not alone nor forgotten.


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    parsonsKellogg is a unique distributor of promotional products in the corporate marketplace. Built on a heritage of sports, parsonsKellogg executes high profile co-branded sports focused programs for our customers as well as providing offshore solutions and day-to-day needs.



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